1215 County Road 1
Mountain, ON K0E 1S0

1215 County Road #1
RR2 Mountain, ON K0E 1S0




septic pumping

We offer residential and commercial septic pumping in North Dundas, North Grenville, South Dundas and Ottawa area.

When you call to book a service, we will do our best to find an appointment time that best suits your schedule. You can choose to be notified when the technician arrives on site or have him go ahead to complete the service.

We are always available for questions to explain your septic or anything that we notice that will help extend the health of your system.

emergency SERVICE

If you are experiencing any of the following, this may require an emergency call:

  • Sewage back-up
  • Septic water pooling
  • High levels of nitrate concentration in your water
  • Repeated alarm

If we are not able to make it there that same day, we are sometimes able to offer a temporary solution until we get there. 


With our dig and dip service, we can locate your septic tank and determine if it actually needs pumping. Sometimes if a septic is pumped before it is needed, it can cause more stress than good for the system.

When you book a new appointment, we will be able to tell you quickly if your septic needs pumping. It is generally recommended to pump every 3-5 years depending on septic size and usage.

reminder SERVICE

As an existing customer, you can sign up for a reminder service to let you know when it’s time to book your next appointment.

We will determine this date based on the size of your tank and current pattern of usage.

Make an appointment today

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